

Along with our training programmes, Augoe and Sons Nigeria Limited maintains a strict Health, Safety and Environment (HSE) policy. Within this policy, operations should be carried out in such a way to ensure that the health, safety and security of our employees and all persons likely to be affected by our operations including sub-contractors, clients and that the general public are safe guarded along with the same dedication being shown to the protection and conservation of the environment.

This policy is the responsibility of the managing director who is responsible for its implementation. Within Augoe and Sons Nigeria Limited , HSE policies are the line managers responsibility for which individuals can be held accountable for and it is recognized that implementation by line managers will lead to greater efficiency and higher standards throughout departments within the company.
Each employees has their own responsibility towards their own safety and that of others whom may be affected by their individual actions or omissions as clearly stated within government regulations. We as a company will encourage employees in every way possible to ensure that these laws are met.


The management of Augoe and Sons Nigeria Limited   shall provide effective, good leadership and commitment to HSE management. Thus, management will:
** Allocate sufficient resources to provide and sustain safe operations, management will also be responible for the implementation of Community Affairs, Safety, Health, Environment and Security (CASHES) Policy.
** Encourage discussions on safe working procedures/attitudes but have a standing order to stop unsafe work.
** Select a competent safety officer for the projects.
** Ensure completion of all incident reports as per Augoe and Sons Nigeria Limited   and client procedures, investigates, analyses, reports all incidents and near misses, disseminates lessons learnt.
** Encourage Occupational Health, Hygiene and Road Transport safety issues that relates to Augoe and Sons Nigeria Limited . Monitors the implementation of “the project” HSE plan and maintains the necessary records.
** Prepares and attend weekly and monthly HSE reports / meeting for this project.
** Carrying out periodic inspection to identified unsafe; HSE Audit; follow-up on HSE Audit findings and close-out; site HSE Monthly meetings; daily toolbox meetings; All incident investigations related to area of control; preparation of JASA’s related to their activities are fully implemented.


It is the policy of the company to carry out its activities in such a manner that no fatality or serious injuries or damage to property arise from there. Every necessary step shall be taken to safe guard all who work for us. Positive attitudes to safety shall be rewarded and negative ones frowned upon.
Detailed safe procedures must be put n place and site management held accountable for its implementation on site.
In order to ensure an enviable safety performance, the following strategies will be adopted:-

1) To identify possible causes of accident
2) To control the identified causes of accident through HEMP


Since work may affect ny or every system of human body, it is therefore essential that early recognition of health hazards is established, monitored and controlled. The company places great emphasis on the promotion of total health concept and the protection of the workers in our employment will be certified medically fit before employment and examination is conducted annually on regular basis.


Our company is committed to ensuring clean and healthy environment especially in the, course of our work. We take environmental sanitation programme seriously. Every effort will be concentrated towards minimization of dust released during the course of work, structured use and diposal of injuries chemicals to health. Due regard must be paid to reduction of noise a all cost. So also, are dust and fumes. It is expected for every employee to provide healthy and environmentally acceptable conditions at home and at work.


Our company always ensures that all facilities where staff work and reside have sound security plan in place. Improve the security awareness level of both staff and sub-contractors associated with our operations. We shall at all time continue to alert our staff both in the offices and at our Logistics base stations.





Augoe and Sons Nigeria Limited  is highly involved in the total restoration and conservation of the environment through:

Environmental Management

– Preparation of environmental management plans
– Monitoring and institutional measures
– Mitigation

Environmental and Social Assessment

– Screening and scoping
– Environmental studies
– Site assessment
– Oil spill assessment
– Dispersion and fate modeling
– Chemical assessments

Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) and effect monitoring

– Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA)
– Water and waste water treatment and supply
– Environmental sampling and monitoring
– Marine biological and geophysical surveys
– Social Impact Assessment (SIA)
– Oil Spill Contingency Planning and Response
– Remediation/Restoration Risk Management

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